The Master GEAI had the privilege of attending a captivating conference led by two inspiring experts from one of the most renowned consulting firms, Capgemini. Alyzée Lepeltier, Manager within the "Energy Transition & Utilities" entity, and Nour Chaker, Consultant within the "Frog - Customer Transformations" entity, took us into the realm of this innovative company.
This presentation allowed us to discover the professions, expertise, and entities (Frog Customer First, Intelligent Industry, Enterprise Transformation).
One of the most inspiring aspects of this conference was gaining an in-depth understanding of the consultant's role. Their ability to solve complex problems, anticipate market trends, and guide companies toward sustainable success is truly impressive. Students aspiring to become consultants also appreciated valuable advice on how to prepare for an interview at Capgemini.
Finally, we had the opportunity to work on a case study. This hands-on experience allowed us to apply what had been discussed earlier.
We sincerely thank Alyzée Lepeltier and Nour Chaker for their time and for sharing their knowledge and experiences during this conference! ✨💼