The Quantitative Management Techniques course is an introduction to game theory.
This course is a fairly comprehensive introduction that allows students to become familiar with the concepts and reasoning behind the theory. After a presentation of modelling techniques in game theory, we approach the different concepts of equilibrium (Nash, Perfect subgame, Forward induction, Perfect Bayesian and sequential equilibrium).
Examples from everyday life, economics and management illustrate these concepts.


Alexandre Steyer is Professor of Universities and director of the Master in International Strategy and Economic Intelligence. He is also the founder and former director of the PRISM research laboratory. After joining the ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure) in Paris, Alexandre Steyer successively obtained a license, a master's degree in physics, a DEA in quantum physics as well as a doctorate in statistical physics (1991). Upon leaving the ENS, he joined the inter-ministerial body of telecommunications as an engineer and undertook, in parallel, a thesis in management sciences at HEC. The defense of his thesis, entitled "The theory of avalanches", earned him the 1993 HEC Foundation Prize. His research themes are Social Physics and Data Science.